Flatboard 2.4 TROMSØ Released!

Flatboard 2.4 TROMSØ Released!
admin Mer. 4 Décembre 2019 à 13:03
We are pleased to announce the release of Flatboard 2.4.
Thanks to all the people who support Flatboard!
Don't forget to backup your data before update.
Changelog v2.4 - Release date: 2019-12-04
[New] Whois Lookup Tool
[New] Optimization to Increase Page Speed.

[New] Content Filter (Create and regularly update a list with words considered as spam. Then use regular expressions to find and block such a content.)
[Update] Cleanup code
🐛[Fix] Core | Fonts
🐛[Fix] New Thread / Reply Modal break input for small resolution (issue by iagovar).
[+] [THEME] Add new theme LightBB (select this in configuration)
[+] [THEME] Updated with Bootstrap v4.4.1
[NEW] Math captcha option (request of Sam).

Dernière modification par admin le Dim. 15 Décembre 2019 à 19:53
Suggestion de sujets

a débuté math capability?
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