- 2nd - How do I use SpellChecker
- 2nd - solved Increase the number of topic characters
- 11th - Question: Archive and Rating
- 16th - Flatboard 1.0 RC2
- 19th - solved BBCode in /lib/Parser.lib.php on line 131
- 19th - Just making a anonymous post #gris
- 19th - Publicité
- 20th - Quelques remarques
- 23rd - solved Quote in Topics not worked
- 23rd - Mobile Navigation in Flatboard Forum
- 23rd - Show your Flatboard Forum projects :)
- 23rd - Soon Subforums are possible
- 23rd - Sammel-Thread für German User von Flatboard Forum
- 25th - Importation de flux RSS pour un forum
- 26th - RSS (external site)
- 26th - solved-Tag not worked v1.0 beta 3 Fresh-Update
- 27th - solved How can I display forum icons
- 28th - Can not make config changes
- 30th - Erreur sur le flux RSS du forum
- 30th - On / Off sur les plugins
- 30th - Just trying
- 1st - Problems with mobile use
- 2nd - New pages
- 2nd - Quelques remarques, la suite...
- 2nd - Organisation du forum
- 2nd - Plugin pour mettre un délai entre réponses
- 3rd - Problem with topics updating on topic view (most recent populates first)
- 3rd - IP's and Admin or Moderator control pannel
- 3rd - Installation du 2 mai
- 3rd - Feedback for Flatboard v1.0 Beta 4
- 3rd - Adsense Plugin for Flatboard
- 3rd - How do Tags work? Filterable in future realeases?
- 3rd - New Flatboard UI
- 5th - Google Tools
- 6th - Partage de discussions entre instances Flatboards
- 7th - Installation du 7 mai
- 7th - No title
- 19th - Administration et modération
- 20th - I see new design here in the forum?
- 20th - Date in the topics does not match - v1.0 RC1
- 22nd - Social Share Buttons for Flatboard
- 27th - No title
- 29th - Feedback about Flatboard v1.0 RC 2
- 31st - Small mistake in the french version - v.1.0RC2
- 2nd - Shariff (social share)
- 4th - Cookie Consent
- 7th - Edit text show after post edit
- 12th - Flatboard v.1.0.2
- 14th - First feedback on Flatboard v1.0
- 16th - Search Engine friendly URLs for Flatboard
- 17th - Mail Notification of new Topic Replies
- 22nd - Impossible to start a discussion
- 23rd - I see here in the forum already Flatboard v1.0.1 :)
- 9th - Forum Signature Plugin for Flatboard Forum
- 9th - NoFollow for all external Links on Flatboard Forum
- 9th - Nofollow
- 10th - Edited Posts Timestamp
- 11th - [Idea] Search and Quotes
- 11th - Deutsche Übersetzung
- 13th - Contact Form for Flatboard Forum as a Plugin
- 15th - Disappointed by lack of security
- 15th - No title
- 16th - User Span / Styling from Admin Menu
- 17th - German Language File downloadable
- 17th - Some rules against identity theft
- 20th - Ask your signature or avatar
- 26th - Fred, how did you realize the Download Page here?
- 27th - Make a download page
- 28th - C07025 - Colored Tripcodes
- 18th - Anon Post Question
- 23rd - Update to 1.02
- 17th - The Date of Forum Posts is not correct
- 21st - Small Fixes to the Google Tools Plugin
- 24th - Flatboard 1.0.5
- 24th - No title
- 28th - Youtube-Videos in Flatboard Forum