Auto Updater

Auto Updater
SurveyBuilder-Admin Saturday 4th March 2023, 13:23:43

Hi, Fred
I was just wondering if you want me to make an auto-updater, so users don't have to worry about removing/backing up folders in order to update. I have learned some batch that might be beneficial. All is requiring is just upload your project to GitHub, so I can just copy any updated files and replace any old files without destruction. This might be a good idea, but it's up to you and I can help.

Also I have finally hosted my website, of my project online if you want to take a look at it:
WebPress - Project


Last modified by SurveyBuilder-Admin on Wednesday 15th March 2023, 16:08:00
Software engineer, creates plugins for Flatboard, checks source codes, and answers any software errors questions and contributes on the GitHub page as well

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