How do you like this post style

How do you like this post style
hmmy Sunday 24th January 2016, 03:34:20

Hi see below:

I'm just toying with script right now. How about post being like so?


Replies 11
Fred  Sunday 24th January 2016, 09:12:12

Yes love it :)
But integrate this css in the plugin Identicon.
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hmmy  Sunday 24th January 2016, 18:35:14

I'm attempting to use the trip number for the background color of #trip. I am using css to invert the text color

But this breaks when the post gets quoted. Any idea why this would happen?


Fred  Sunday 24th January 2016, 18:54:50

  Because all the quotes are dynamically parsed to return the author of the post as well as for safety reasons.
I do not know if this is really the answer to the question, sorry I do not quite understand English.
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hmmy  Sunday 24th January 2016, 19:01:48

  This is what I mean


Fred  Sunday 24th January 2016, 19:10:37

Post your code here please (in
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hmmy  Sunday 24th January 2016, 19:17:47

  Sloppy, but that's ok:

return 'Guest <span style="background:#'.substr($id, -6).';padding:2px;padding-left:4px;padding-right:4px;border-radius: 4px;"> <span style="mix-blend-mode:difference;color:white;">#'.substr($id, -6).'</span></span>';

Fred  Sunday 24th January 2016, 19:26:27

Houla, no it is not clean at all that :)
I thought you went straight in the style of the theme, you have the class `.user`, `.admin` and `.worker` to do that.
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hmmy  Sunday 24th January 2016, 19:39:37

  i'm not a developer :). Would you mind giving me an example?

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