
bb4d0 Tuesday 9th February 2016, 19:17:22

Like Flarum, can you add in events like "Topic was pinned", "topic title was changed from X to Y", "Moved topic from X to Y", etc?

You can make a lock, sticky, title change, move, etc act like a post and make it display cetain text.

Last modified by Fred on Friday 12th June 2020, 09:40:00
Fred locked the discussion.

Replies 9
Fred  Tuesday 9th February 2016, 19:29:13

Sorry I do not understand your question, Flatboard can pin, close, move a discussion.
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dba3e  Tuesday 9th February 2016, 20:14:41

  Like this:



Fred  Tuesday 9th February 2016, 22:09:23

  Ok I see, but for me it's still superfluous...
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849d9  Tuesday 9th February 2016, 23:04:30

  Would this be hard to achieve?

Fred  Wednesday 10th February 2016, 10:49:20

  No, for the part (lock and pinned) you just have to change the language file and the location of variables in view.php.
But to add innocuous things slowed down for nothing the script. I prefer for the moment get feedback on features that offers Flatboard to get out of the beta version.
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  • <TextField>, my new CMS project designed by a passionate developer, for developers!
  • My last project Fast⚡︎CMS, a Flat-File cms.
  • I am currently busy 😫.

a99f1  Thursday 11th February 2016, 01:40:18

  The lang file that reflects the "Locked" button of the topic that replaced the "reply button? Also where in view.php can you add code to make it like that?

Fred  Thursday 11th February 2016, 10:14:08

  The only thing I can do is for the closed and pinned threads [like this]( (look at the bottom of the discussion)
It suits you?
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  • ╰☆╮Flatboard╰☆╮ is a open source and community contributions are essential to project success!
  • <TextField>, my new CMS project designed by a passionate developer, for developers!
  • My last project Fast⚡︎CMS, a Flat-File cms.
  • I am currently busy 😫.

abddf  Thursday 11th February 2016, 18:17:25

  Yes, this is good! What do I need to add/change?

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