A stable version for the upcoming release?

A stable version for the upcoming release?
Fred Sunday 27th March 2016, 09:26:43


To enter the stable version of Flatboard, I need to have more your feedbacks.
These feedbacks must be done without addition of plugins apart from those supplied.
Thank you kindly post them as a result of this discussion.
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Replies 8
792af  Monday 28th March 2016, 17:25:04

· Markdown editor doesn't work properly, ">" quotes and break links sometimes.
· Config doesn't work properly on install (have to change the config file manually and reupload.
Think is has to do with the timedate setting.

Fred  Monday 28th March 2016, 19:06:18

  Do you have a example for the break links?
All markdown format is not supported for security reasons, as anonymous can replys there any time and incorporate malicious content.
For the next release, you can quote with this bbcode tag: [*block][/block]
For code, with this bbcode tag: [*code][/code]
Yes this is a mix bbcode/markdown but i don't have a solution for the moment.
For the date in config i don't understand, the defaut value in date format is: `Y/m/d H:i`
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hmmy 🐝  Monday 4th April 2016, 20:55:08

For the peralinks, you can just create the link using the date to the right. This will create less cluster.

Only feature I could see being helpful for the future release would be adding permissions to forums, or in this case if mod/admin is logged in they can create a thread in, say, the Announcement forum.

Fred  Tuesday 5th April 2016, 12:50:58

  No, because if your answer is on another page, the permalink will not work.
Permissions on the forums? That'll conversely the project, knowledge accessible to all, anonymous if desired.
May be plugin, but I guarantee nothing.
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  • ╰☆╮Flatboard╰☆╮ is a open source and community contributions are essential to project success!
  • <TextField>, my new CMS project designed by a passionate developer, for developers!
  • My last project Fast⚡︎CMS, a Flat-File cms.
  • I am currently busy 😫.

66656  Saturday 3rd September 2016, 11:39:30

All work great for me, this forum script is amazing!
Next stable version please 🤗

8f1f5  Friday 16th September 2016, 22:26:00

Please add .zip of most updated

kokoo  Friday 14th October 2016, 12:32:12

i write manytopic about bugs and feedback and no answer yet

whats up

Fred  Saturday 8th April 2017, 15:41:31

  Sorry for my late response 😅.
I have just updated Flatboard and now proceed to a great cleaning of the code to make it always easier to use.
I still think about the support of the markdown format or if you stay on the simple BBcode.

Can you tell me if you're having problems with the online version right now?
  • Before ask a question, read the documentation.
  • 🎉  Featured as #1 product of the day on Product Hunt
  • Please like in alternativeto.net 👍🏻
  • ╰☆╮Flatboard╰☆╮ is a open source and community contributions are essential to project success!
  • <TextField>, my new CMS project designed by a passionate developer, for developers!
  • My last project Fast⚡︎CMS, a Flat-File cms.
  • I am currently busy 😫.

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