[SOLVED] Installation on free.fr

solved Installation on free.fr
031d3 Saturday 23rd April 2016, 14:44:31


I'd like to install flatboard on a "my.site.free.fr" account. I'm getting the following message:

Warning: main(__DIR__/header.php) [function.main]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /mnt/132/sdb/8/9/my.site/flatboard/index.php on line 11

Fatal error: main() [function.require]: Failed opening required '__DIR__/header.php' (include_path='/mnt/132/sdb/8/9/my.site/include:.:/usr/php4/lib/php') in /mnt/132/sdb/8/9/my.site/flatboard/index.php on line 11

I tried modifying PATH_ROOT but it doesn't work. Could help me please?

Replies 2
Fred  Saturday 23rd April 2016, 19:00:31

In Free hosting:
**1°)** Make directory named `sessions` in your root webserver.
**2°)** Make .htaccess file with only this line `php56 1` and upload in your root webserver.
**3°)** Install Flatboard normally.
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aeb32  Saturday 23rd April 2016, 22:36:48

Thank you. I dropped Free. Now I'm using another host, and flatboard works fine.

Flatboard is a really good project, thanks and congratulation!

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