Adsense Plugin for Flatboard

Adsense Plugin for Flatboard
Alexander Liebrecht Wednesday 3rd May 2017, 12:34:06

Hi @Fred,

Is your AdSense/Advertising Plugin in Development or have you ever played with this idea?

Unfortunately, I always have to insert Adsense after every update, because I always want to take the theme update.

If a plugin could control Adsense, it would be much better.

Well, then I'm waiting for your early feedback.

Thanks, Alexander

Replies 5
Fred  Wednesday 3rd May 2017, 14:52:22

I will develop a plugin for this, it is not very long.
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Alexander Liebrecht  Wednesday 3rd May 2017, 15:58:11


Ok, thank you very much. This will please me and other flatboard users very much.

Fred  Saturday 20th May 2017, 19:44:47

Plugin is out on download page ;)
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AlexanderLiebrecht  Saturday 20th May 2017, 22:43:16

Super, But unfortunately I can not find it on the download page or under Ressources.
I have still the browser cache emptied with the result or do I overlook something? ;)...

Fred  Sunday 21st May 2017, 11:05:34

Oops sorry, I confused with Google Analytics.
I just update the plugin, this time you need to add the Google Adsense code.
You will find it on this discussion to the changelog and download it.
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