Date in the topics does not match - v1.0 RC1

Date in the topics does not match - v1.0 RC1
AlexanderLiebrecht Saturday 20th May 2017, 13:44:20

Hi @Fred,
Today I posted something in my forum and the date of the topic was "13 hours ago". But this can not be true.
This was in the forum this topic >> Can you help me set the correct date or what am I doing wrong?
Thanks in advance.

Last modified by AlexanderLiebrecht on Tuesday 12th March 2019, 08:56:00
AlexanderLiebrecht locked the discussion.

Replies 4
AlexanderLiebrecht  Saturday 20th May 2017, 13:57:31

Something is wrong with the date format. If I enter the date of today, all Forum Topis will get the today's date.
If I do not select anything, the message "to short/to long" comes.
What can I fix?
Thanks in advance.

Fred  Saturday 20th May 2017, 18:38:34

Spending a week, the date format is properly displayed in the format saved configuration.
So when the subject is older than a week, you will have the correct format ;)
For date format look here.
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AlexanderLiebrecht  Saturday 20th May 2017, 18:58:04

In which Flatboard file can I set an individual Date Format? I would like to set it a bit more detailed.
Is this possible, as I have seen behind the posted link. "Day-Month-Year-Time"

Fred  Saturday 20th May 2017, 19:11:25

On installation, the curent date format is: Y/m/d H:i
Here i use this format: M j, 'y g:i a
If you want Day-Month-Year-Time use this format: D-d-M-Y-H:i
Just change this in configuration.
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