Flatboard v.1.0.2

Flatboard v.1.0.2
Fred Monday 12th June 2017, 22:13:14

Changelog v1.0.2 - Release date: 2017-08-22
* [+] Extend search page (author, title, content and tags).
* [+] Add search all posts authors in avatar pop-up.
* [+] Add started discussion date on last posts in index.
* [+] Add homepage link in breadcrumb.
* [+] Add 🇩🇪 German translation (contribution by @Michael, thank!).
* [+] Add option to protect identity by Tags (idea by @hmmy)
* [+] Replace # hashtag by @ for unique user (UserName@Password).
* 💢Fix "A non well formed numeric value" for block IP's
* 💢Fix clean css cache in config.
* 💢Fix select class in API form
* [-] Identicon plugin reduction with support of the @ sign.
* Retouch index and view php file style.
* Code clean-up.

Note: You must manually delete the file data/config/tags.dat.php to generate it in the new format.

Changelog v1.0.1 - Release date: 2017-06-29
* 💢Fix atom feeds if forum is private. Feeds access is now forbidden if not logged (28/06/2017).
* Some templates change & optimizations (27/06/2017).
* [+] BLOG (23/06/2017).
New blog.php file with new parameter. Select a forum in configuration to get your blog link in sidebar and display the blog page! The number of display is the same parameter to the rest of pagination forum.
* [+] Icons picker based on Font Awesome. (It will be necessary to save again the forum)
* [+] Last post date in forum category list (22/06/2017).
* Tag manager improvement (22/06/2017).
* 💢Fix order last post in forums list (22/06/2017).
* 💢Fix old forum category name fallback.
* 💢Fix ajax scrolling in index (24/06/2017).
* Fast form topic and reply only (add forum in other page for support icon picker).

DOWNLOAD: flatboard_latest.zip (1.8 MB)

From the end of the month (June), I would have much less time for the developement of Flatboard.


After several versions and user feedback, the first stable version of Flatboard is released.
A lot of features are integrated, which makes Flatboard, a forum without a database quite complete.
Thank you again for your feedback and good installation or update.
Read the documentation and create a backup of your data BEFORE updating.

Changelog v1.0 Final - Release date: 2017-06-12
* Bug fix:  Control the availability of the theme, to avoid blank pages
* [+] New TAG system, ability to add/remove tags directly in config.
* [+] New private forum option in general config, possibility to display entire forum in staff only.
* [+] New Template (private.tpl, login.tpl).
* [+] Add last edit topic &  reply date. (request thread)
* Some UI change on index last messages list.
* Empty mail in post 🐞 bug fix.
* 🐞 Plugin list error if not lang available (Fixed with default lang en-EN)
* More plugins changes

Last modified by Fred on Thursday 2nd April 2020, 14:25:00
  • Before ask a question, read the documentation.
  • 🎉  Featured as #1 product of the day on Product Hunt
  • Please like in alternativeto.net 👍🏻
  • ╰☆╮Flatboard╰☆╮ is a open source and community contributions are essential to project success!
  • <TextField>, my new CMS project designed by a passionate developer, for developers!
  • My last project Fast⚡︎CMS, a Flat-File cms.
  • I am currently busy 😫.

Replies 10
AlexanderLiebrecht@5e3cf8af  Wednesday 23rd August 2017, 23:07:28


Thanks @Fred, with me the Search Page now works synonymous.

Unfortunately Michael does not show up here, because he knows best how he has translated. But I try it now with my corrected language file.

If the search page works, I will leave it with me in German. Michael had also left no email address to contact him ;(

AlexanderLiebrecht@5e3cf8af  Wednesday 23rd August 2017, 23:13:07



With the German language file the Search Page and the Flatboard Forum works as well.

I have only changed the plural form of the language file. The rest remained so.