Make a download page

Make a download page
Fred Sunday 27th August 2017, 18:35:03

Hi, you want to propose files to download from your site Flatboard?
Ok, follow the guide 👀...

1°) Recover this file (right click, save as) and rename it to download.php.
2°) Send it to the root of your Flatboard, and insert the link in your sidebar of the theme (sidebar.tpl.php).
3°) Create the download folder in the uploads folder.
4°) Send your archives (.zip only!) to this folder.
5 °) Finish

You can customize the script by editing it, everything is commented.

Last modified by Fred on Sunday 27th August 2017, 18:37:00
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Replies 15
AlexanderLiebrecht@5e3cf8af  Tuesday 29th August 2017, 08:23:46

Hi @Fred,
Thanks for the small tutorial for downloads. Everything is done as described here, but can not download at my site:

Is it at the Webhosting with me or what I still have to consider? Please try downloading it.
Thank you.

Last modified by AlexanderLiebrecht@5e3cf8af on Thursday 31st August 2017, 19:51:00

Fred  Thursday 31st August 2017, 19:32:30

Good evening Alexander,

Sorry for the delay in my response, I modified the script for this to work, I forgot the piece of code that sends the customer file.

I added a hits counter option. If you do not want it, just change the constant like this:
if (!defined('COUNTER'))  define('COUNTER', FALSE);

Last modified by Fred on Thursday 31st August 2017, 19:43:00
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AlexanderLiebrecht@5e3cf8af  Friday 1st September 2017, 11:38:42


Hi @Fred,

Thanks for adding the download.php. Now I could just download the file with me.

I would like to ask, at which point in the code I can download a description so that it looks like you here in the downloads?

Thanks in advance.

Fred  Sunday 3rd September 2017, 23:48:17

  I'm working on a plugin.
Currently on Flatboard download page, I use the language files, to feed the name and description of the files.
All my files are in a folder that I am sending via FTP.

The plugin will allow you to send files with a name and description for files.
Please wait 🕐.
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  • <TextField>, my new CMS project designed by a passionate developer, for developers!
  • My last project Fast⚡︎CMS, a Flat-File cms.
  • I am currently busy 😫.

AlexanderLiebrecht@5e3cf8af  Monday 4th September 2017, 01:55:35


Thanks @Fred,

then I will prove patience and wait until it is finished. I'm looking forward to it ;)

AlexanderLiebrecht@5e3cf8af  Sunday 10th September 2017, 09:37:42

Hi @Fred, how is it up to you? Are you making good progress? Here is something quiet in the forum ;)

Last modified by AlexanderLiebrecht@5e3cf8af on Sunday 10th September 2017, 12:18:00

Fred  Sunday 10th September 2017, 12:17:16

Hello Alexander!
Please reply here with your email in the appropriate field.
I will send you an archive to test the plugin.
You will give me a return, to see if I can propose it as a plugin.
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  • ╰☆╮Flatboard╰☆╮ is a open source and community contributions are essential to project success!
  • <TextField>, my new CMS project designed by a passionate developer, for developers!
  • My last project Fast⚡︎CMS, a Flat-File cms.
  • I am currently busy 😫.

Alexander@5e3cf8af  Sunday 10th September 2017, 12:51:05

ok, thanks in advance. My mail you see now and I am looking at the plugin ;)

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