What about the use of the new flatboard theme?

What about the use of the new flatboard theme?
AlexanderLiebrecht@5e3cf8af Sunday 10th June 2018, 04:48:41

Hi Fred,
wanted to ask you. Would that be possible that you can send me the new Flatboard Theme by mail. I can not wait to use it already :-)
My mail is alexanderliebrecht[aet]internetblogger.de .
Thank you in advance, if that works. Alexander.

Replies 3
Fred  Tuesday 12th June 2018, 15:48:34

Hello Alex,
I have a lot of work professionally, and less and less time to develop Flatboard.
Currently there is only the public part of functional, and all the backend to finish (there remains about 75%).
I can not leave this version unfinished because the backend and completely unusable.
I hope to resume the development of the latter for the month of September, or normally my work and calmer.
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AlexanderLiebrecht@5e3cf8af  Thursday 14th June 2018, 12:18:39


Hi Fred,
ok, Thanks for your Hints :-) .

838761b2  Friday 31st August 2018, 23:38:38

did u update this?

Last modified by 838761b2 on Saturday 1st September 2018, 09:47:00

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