Russian translation

Russian translation
RED-LINE@42796168 Sunday 24th March 2019, 19:33:27

I maked full translation to Russian, in zip u will find all lang files for core and preinstalled plugins.
Some lines look strange even after localization. Main reason is - 90% of Russian words have many forms (up to 12) and depends of order in sentense, context e t.c. So I will make topic in another forum with list of new rows for CMS, ok?

So, u can download zip-file here -

If u have any questions, please ask in this topic. I will transtale optional plugins later, will make new posts right here, so follow on this topic (time to time) plz. Thank u, u making good and original product!

R-E-D LINE, from Russia, with ♥

Replies 10
Fred  Tuesday 21st December 2021, 18:35:41

  Thank for your translation update.
I update next version with this!
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RED-LINE@ef3eb5ad  Friday 14th January 2022, 21:39:58

Any news or questions about Russian translation (or about any files in general)?

Last modified by RED-LINE@ef3eb5ad on Friday 14th January 2022, 21:49:00

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