Russian translation

Russian translation
RED-LINE@42796168 Sunday 24th March 2019, 19:33:27

I maked full translation to Russian, in zip u will find all lang files for core and preinstalled plugins.
Some lines look strange even after localization. Main reason is - 90% of Russian words have many forms (up to 12) and depends of order in sentense, context e t.c. So I will make topic in another forum with list of new rows for CMS, ok?

So, u can download zip-file here -

If u have any questions, please ask in this topic. I will transtale optional plugins later, will make new posts right here, so follow on this topic (time to time) plz. Thank u, u making good and original product!

R-E-D LINE, from Russia, with ♥

Replies 10
RED-LINE@42796168  Sunday 24th March 2019, 20:27:03

Lang strings on installation page (when u have index.php and

# Russe / Russian / Русский
$translation['ru-RU'] = array(
"Flatboard unpacking" => "Распаковка Flatboard",
"Because is more faster to upload just 2 files." => "Поскольку быстрее просто распаковать, чем устанавливать.",
"UNPACK" => "Распаковать",
"Select language" => "Выберите язык",
"English" => "Английский",
"French" => "Французский",
"Russian" => "Русский",
'Oups! I couldn\'t open %file' => 'Уууупс! Не удалось открыть файл %file',
'YEAH! Archive properly extracted to %path.<br />You will be redirected in <span id="counter">%count</span> second(s).' => 'Ура! Всё извлечено в %path.<br />Вы будете перенаправлены через <span id="counter">%count</span> секунд(ы).',
"Hello %name" => "Привет %name",

Fred  Sunday 24th March 2019, 21:31:22

Thank you for your complete translation, I do some tests before integrating it in the next version.
If you have any suggestions, please open a new topic 😉
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  • My last project Fast⚡︎CMS, a Flat-File cms.
  • I am currently busy 😫.

RED-LINE@42796168  Monday 1st April 2019, 17:33:15

So I finished the localisation of FlatBoard. In archieve below you find ALL lang files to CMS core, default plugins, all other plugins from download page on this site. Also I updated (some minor fixies) files from my previous posts in this topic, so when you will download this archieve and unpack it - you will refresh all lang files. 😀

I hope you will find my work valuable.

Last modified by RED-LINE@42796168 on Monday 1st April 2019, 19:14:00

Fred  Monday 1st April 2019, 19:12:58

  Thank you so much!
I prepare the next release with your translations.👍
  • Before ask a question, read the documentation.
  • 🎉  Featured as #1 product of the day on Product Hunt
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  • ╰☆╮Flatboard╰☆╮ is a open source and community contributions are essential to project success!
  • <TextField>, my new CMS project designed by a passionate developer, for developers!
  • My last project Fast⚡︎CMS, a Flat-File cms.
  • I am currently busy 😫.

Fred  Monday 1st April 2019, 19:55:18

All plugins in download page is update!
  • Before ask a question, read the documentation.
  • 🎉  Featured as #1 product of the day on Product Hunt
  • Please like in 👍🏻
  • ╰☆╮Flatboard╰☆╮ is a open source and community contributions are essential to project success!
  • <TextField>, my new CMS project designed by a passionate developer, for developers!
  • My last project Fast⚡︎CMS, a Flat-File cms.
  • I am currently busy 😫.

RED-LINE@42796168  Friday 27th December 2019, 12:54:19

I updated the Russian lang-file for FlatBoard. I also fixed some info in other languages.
+ I did new translations for 2 plugins

Please download archieve with lang-files. And give me any feedback.

Last modified by RED-LINE@42796168 on Friday 27th December 2019, 12:56:00

Fred  Saturday 28th December 2019, 10:25:23

  I check it all and will integrate the update packages languages pretty quickly in this version of Flatboard.
Thank you for your contribution 👍
  • Before ask a question, read the documentation.
  • 🎉  Featured as #1 product of the day on Product Hunt
  • Please like in 👍🏻
  • ╰☆╮Flatboard╰☆╮ is a open source and community contributions are essential to project success!
  • <TextField>, my new CMS project designed by a passionate developer, for developers!
  • My last project Fast⚡︎CMS, a Flat-File cms.
  • I am currently busy 😫.

PAUL-BID  Saturday 18th December 2021, 14:22:11

Hello again and merry X-mas!
I totally updated all Russian lang-files for the last version of FlatBoard.
Core and all plugins was translated/fixed. I added new strings to all translations. All files with Russian translation was reformated.
Also I fixed some small issues and improoved style details, I hope you will appiciate it and accept it. That's why in the zip below you will find all core files + all plugins files.

I changed my personal site and I want to change nickname and signature here. Is it possible? (new nickname: PAUL-BID)

Please download archieve, check all changes and give me any feedback.

Last modified by PAUL-BID on Saturday 18th December 2021, 14:22:00
With 💛 from Russia, PAUL-BID.

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