Title imput not showing properly

Title imput not showing properly
iagovar Thursday 20th June 2019, 21:25:11

Flatboard is not showing the title imput. When you click to reply or start a discussion, it shows Pseudo, Email and the Content box, but the title input is not displayed. You can't scroll to show it up, only if you reduce the size of the page it shows, or if you click to submit, then it shows all the fields.

Replies 4
Fred  Monday 24th June 2019, 19:35:12

Hi iagovar,
Could you tell me under what circumstances do you have this bug (browser, OS ...)?
Do you have a screenshot please?
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iagovar  Saturday 13th July 2019, 23:35:58


Win10 Chrome 1366x768


Fred  Tuesday 3rd September 2019, 08:18:32

  Thank you for your feedbacks.
✔️ This is fixed for the next release.
Try here or on the demo version !
  • Before ask a question, read the documentation.
  • 🎉  Featured as #1 product of the day on Product Hunt
  • Please like in alternativeto.net 👍🏻
  • ╰☆╮Flatboard╰☆╮ is a open source and community contributions are essential to project success!
  • <TextField>, my new CMS project designed by a passionate developer, for developers!
  • My last project Fast⚡︎CMS, a Flat-File cms.
  • I am currently busy 😫.

iagovar  Friday 11th October 2019, 10:03:12


Is the corrected version already released?

Also, one suggestion, why do replies open up in an iframe? Wouldn't something like this forum does (https://bandaancha.eu/foros/offtopic) be more confortable?

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