Edit / Delete Rules?

Edit / Delete Rules?
4082f536 Saturday 25th January 2020, 08:24:08I'm having trouble finding the official rules around how editing and deleting posts work. I see that even anonymous posters can edit or delete their posts for a period of time.
Is it 10, 15 minutes? Or, is it not time based and instead based on a cookie or something?
Thanks! Great, simple forum software here.
Edit: I see now - session cookie. But, still curious, how long will that cookie be there?
Is it 10, 15 minutes? Or, is it not time based and instead based on a cookie or something?
Thanks! Great, simple forum software here.
Edit: I see now - session cookie. But, still curious, how long will that cookie be there?
Last modified by 4082f536 on Saturday 25th January 2020, 08:31:00
Reply 1

Editing and deleting a message is possible any time of your browser session (sessionStorage). Closing the browser will therefore result in the loss of information.
Editing and deleting a message is possible any time of your browser session (sessionStorage). Closing the browser will therefore result in the loss of information.
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