
Simon Wednesday 1st April 2020, 19:25:23

Random generator of discussions and responses Lorem Ipsum.

Download: faker.zip (13 Kb)
2020/04/01 - Version 1.0:
* Initial version

Last modified by Simon on Wednesday 1st April 2020, 19:45:00

Replies 3
Fred  Wednesday 1st April 2020, 19:49:07

Thank you Simon for this plugin which will be useful to developers.
No excuse for not seeing more plugins in this section! 😈
  • Before ask a question, read the documentation.
  • 🎉  Featured as #1 product of the day on Product Hunt
  • Please like in alternativeto.net 👍🏻
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  • <TextField>, my new CMS project designed by a passionate developer, for developers!
  • My last project Fast⚡︎CMS, a Flat-File cms.
  • I am currently busy 😫.

RED-LINE@42796168  Friday 10th April 2020, 14:54:51

Hello, I translated this plugin, please update it by adding this file:
/************* Plugin INFO! ***************/
$lang[$plugin.'name'] = 'Faker';
$lang[$plugin.'version'] = '1.0';
$lang[$plugin.'update'] = '2020-04-01';
$lang[$plugin.'author'] = 'Simon Ledoux';
$lang[$plugin.'author_site'] = 'https://flatboard.org';
$lang[$plugin.'author_mail'] = 'simon@simon511000.fr';
/************* Langue ru ***************/
$lang[$plugin.'description'] = 'Генератор рандомно созданный тем и ответов на форуме на основе текста Lorem Ipsum.';
$lang[$plugin.'number_of_topics'] = 'Количество тем, которое нужно сгенерировать';
$lang[$plugin.'number_of_replys'] = 'Количество ответов в теме';
$lang[$plugin.'generate'] = 'Сгенерировать';
$lang[$plugin.'generated'] = 'Сгенерировано!';

Thank you!

Simon  Friday 10th April 2020, 16:36:32

Thank you very much @RED-LINE 😄

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