Turn off mobile version

Turn off mobile version
mk@b8500609 Friday 24th April 2020, 05:25:46

In mobile brouser Puffin and mobile mode of the forum, youtube videos are not feet vertical screen size and get out of the screen. Avatars (my own pictures) not loading or not visible inside post.
You have to resize videos to match block width.

So where I can turn off mobile mode ?


Last modified by mk@b8500609 on Friday 24th April 2020, 06:19:00

Replies 3
Fred  Friday 24th April 2020, 18:09:25

Do you have un exemple link please?
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mk@b8500609  Friday 24th April 2020, 19:24:29

I test it now there, wait until I write next message.

mk@b8500609  Friday 24th April 2020, 19:32:39

  Please change your captcha to mathematical. For some time. It is not comfortable for me to send messages. I write in many topics.

So, in Lightbb theme there are problems. In Bootstrap it is ok.
Turn to LightBB and see video above in Puffin Brouser on Android.
I can use Boootstrap, but I need Light

Last modified by mk@b8500609 on Friday 24th April 2020, 19:33:00

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