Can´t Logout

Can´t Logout
JPRuehmann Thursday 25th February 2021, 13:44:51


I can Login but not Logout.
How can I logout?

Last modified by Fred on Friday 26th February 2021, 17:31:00

Replies 26
Fred  Thursday 25th February 2021, 14:20:17

Hi JPRuehmann,
You can logout on any posts.
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Fred@3ce83902  Thursday 25th February 2021, 14:33:38

at my Forum it is not working ( if I choose Logout in the right upper Corner it says that I am logged in as Administrator and have to log out.
If i then Click the Log Out Button the Page gets reloaded But I am still logged in.

Last modified by Fred@3ce83902 on Thursday 25th February 2021, 15:15:00

JPRuehmann@8c6e674a  Thursday 25th February 2021, 21:12:04

Seems there is something wrong with a. the Provider or b. the .htaccess. B. seems not realy logical since on another Providers and localy it works.
Only on this one Provider I land on the index.php/404 anytime If I try something that is going above login and setting the Main Settings.
You are any Ideas what is missing?
For looking, Local
Provider a: (AllInkl)
Provider b: (1&1 / IONOS)
Thanks for your Help and sorry for my bad eplanations.

Last modified by JPRuehmann@8c6e674a on Thursday 25th February 2021, 21:14:00

Fred  Thursday 25th February 2021, 21:38:45

System Requirements
You just need a web server with PHP support.

Webserver (Apache)
PHP v5.3 or higher.
PHP module mbstring for full UTF-8 support.
PHP ZipArchive OR unzip before send files (more than 2 files).
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JPRuehmann  Friday 26th February 2021, 16:37:20

The Web Console (Firefox) says:

Source-Map-Fehler: Error: request failed with status 300

Maybe that helps, on the on the other Installations I wont get this error.

Last modified by JPRuehmann on Friday 26th February 2021, 17:10:00

JPRuehmann  Sunday 28th February 2021, 12:14:21

As it semms the Problem is that it can´t get the map Variable.
Because at starting the Forum I get an error from the "flatboard.js:19" File in the Themes/Themename/assets/js/ Folder.

Uncaught TypeError: $(...).css(...) is undefined

If I then Login and try to enter a SubPage I get redirected to the Page address but the Pages are not displayed.
It is the Same for both themes (bootstrap and lightBB)
How it gets this? Could this mean that noty is not there?
Since the end of the Page says that this Module is required.

I am in Contact with the rovider, But he needs a clear statement from my Side what the Problem is.
Since it is one of the Big Players I think it could be Helpful for you too to get this Problem closed.

Last modified by JPRuehmann on Sunday 28th February 2021, 12:26:00

Fred  Sunday 28th February 2021, 15:48:48

Flatboard 3 beta or 2.5 ?
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  • I am currently busy 😫.

JPRuehmann  Monday 1st March 2021, 12:40:56

Both, I have an answer from my Hoster (Ionos) the Module noty is not activated in their Webspace.
I now wait for an answer if there is a way to enable it. The mbstring module is enebled.
Could it be that noty is an outdated module? I saw such sites on Google if I search for noty PHP.

I have the answer from IONOS, the only solution is to get a virtual Server they can´ eneble noty for me and I can´t enable it for me via ssh either.

Last modified by JPRuehmann on Monday 1st March 2021, 14:05:00

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