Notification Plugin [FIXED]
Notification Plugin 🐞 fixed
SurveyBuilder-Admin Monday 3rd January 2022, 23:51:44Notification Update
I made a few changes to any glitches/bugs that might have occurred
* Now will remove any deleted posts/topics from the forum, and will not show on the notification bar
* You can now permanently hide any notifications from the notification bar.
* Stared item count will still display any stared items, even if hidden
and more...
download here
Check out original post
I made a few changes to any glitches/bugs that might have occurred
* Now will remove any deleted posts/topics from the forum, and will not show on the notification bar
* You can now permanently hide any notifications from the notification bar.
* Stared item count will still display any stared items, even if hidden
and more...
download here
Check out original post
Last modified by SurveyBuilder-Admin on Wednesday 5th January 2022, 12:46:00
Software engineer, creates plugins for Flatboard, checks source codes, and answers any software errors questions and contributes on the GitHub page as well
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