Better FlatBBEditor

Better FlatBBEditor
Gavin Thursday 24th February 2022, 20:56:58

This is a better version from the original plugin FlatBBeditor, I made a few changes to the original editor.

What does it contain:

Whats new:
1. [left]...[/left]: align allows you now have aligned to left
2. [pre]...[/pre]: allows you to have preformatted text
3. [ol][li]...[/li][ol]: allows you to now have Ordered listing
4. [ul][li]...[/li][ul]: allows you to now have Unordered listing
5. [table][tr][th]...[/th][/tr][tr][td]...[/td][/tr][/table]: allows you to have tables
6. [blockquote=url={url}:title={title}:author={name}]{Quote}[/blockquote]: blockquote now have an multi-attribute to have citations and creditablity

- CSS file now contains .list-group-numbered which allows OL to list numbers

How to run
- Update the old plugin to the better version that is once downloaded and sent to the plugins
- take the BBCode.lib.php from the lib folder and upload it to the 'lib' folder in the file to make it work
- After that, all the buttons and additional stuff should be working(tested: success)

Download: BetterFlatBBEditor (67.4k)

A Web developer and web security programmer

Replies 2
Fred  Friday 25th February 2022, 15:13:06

I will try to do some tests to be able to integrate it directly into the official plugin.
Thank you for your work 😉
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Gavin  Friday 25th February 2022, 15:23:54


No problem, thanks for allowing me to contribute on your GitHub page, I will make sure everything is in working conditions
A Web developer and web security programmer

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