The Date of Forum Posts is not correct

The Date of Forum Posts is not correct
AlexanderLiebrecht@5e3cf8af Tuesday 17th October 2017, 03:08:38

Hello Fred,

I noticed again that the date of forum posts is not correct with me at [url=][/url]. I can not set it in the backend under Config other than the current date.

For example, the date of 16.10.2017 is displayed for posts that are older than 5 days.
You have it here but completely different and so I would gladly have also. How can it fix?

Thanks in advance.

Last modified by AlexanderLiebrecht@5e3cf8af on Wednesday 18th October 2017, 09:45:00
AlexanderLiebrecht@5e3cf8af locked the discussion.

Replies 4
Fred  Tuesday 17th October 2017, 08:01:23

Hello Alex,

What happens if you insert this format in configuration:

l jS F o, H:i:s

I tried the format of your forum i[/i], and I'm not that problem.
Did you try to pass your forum in [color=#16a085]English[/color] to see?

Last modified by Fred on Tuesday 17th October 2017, 08:03:00
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AlexanderLiebrecht@5e3cf8af  Tuesday 17th October 2017, 11:48:19


I can only set a correct date in the backend under Config. If I remove the date and set nothing, message &quot;to short/to long&quot; comes.

Here is another screenshot.


Fred  Tuesday 17th October 2017, 13:50:46

Haa OK I understand better now.
I use Firefox as the main browser, and it does not propose a calendar with per-formatted date.
With your preview screen I understand better.

Please open config.php, search this line:

HTMLForm::text(&#039;date_format&#039;, $config[&#039;date_format&#039;], &#039;date&#039;, &#039;&#039;, &#039;date_format_placeholder&#039;).

and replace by:
HTMLForm::text(&#039;date_format&#039;, $config[&#039;date_format&#039;], &#039;text&#039;, &#039;&#039;, &#039;date_format_placeholder&#039;).

With this fix you can post more date format.
I fix this for next version, thank ;)

Last modified by Fred on Tuesday 17th October 2017, 13:55:00
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AlexanderLiebrecht@5e3cf8af  Wednesday 18th October 2017, 03:24:21

Thank you, Fred. With your code line it worked. Now I have both the date and the time at the forum posts. So I wanted that.

Thank you!