Unable to post something or create a forum after installation

Unable to post something or create a forum after installation
vince@2f8ed28a Monday 20th March 2023, 08:05:22Hello Everybody !
I don't understand what's going on: I can simply install Flatboard, but I can't go any further after the installation. I can connect to the administration interface, change one or two things but I can't go further than the basic configuration. The saving of changes seems to work but I can't navigate in the left menu (Plugins, keywords, dashboard, etc.). I also don't have the possibility to add a forum (by clicking on the "+"). In short, I'm going around in circles... if some kind soul could help me understand what's going on? Thanks a lot 😉
- My version of PHP : PHP 8.1
- Site : http://technifree.fr/forum/
**** En Français ****
Je ne comprends pas ce qu'il se passe : j'arrive à installer Flatboard simplement, mais impossible d'aller plus loin après l'installation. J'arrive à me connecter à l'interface d'administration, modifier un ou deux trucs mais je n'ai pas la possibilité d'aller plus loin que la configuration de base. L'enregistrement des modifications à l'air de fonctionner mais je n'ai pas la possibilité de naviguer dans le menu de gauche (Plugins, mots clés, tableau de bord, etc.). Je n'ai pas non plus la possibilité d'ajouter un forum (en cliquant sur le "+"). Bref, je tourne en rond... si une âme charitable pouvait m'aider à comprendre ce qu'il se passe ? Merci 😉
I don't understand what's going on: I can simply install Flatboard, but I can't go any further after the installation. I can connect to the administration interface, change one or two things but I can't go further than the basic configuration. The saving of changes seems to work but I can't navigate in the left menu (Plugins, keywords, dashboard, etc.). I also don't have the possibility to add a forum (by clicking on the "+"). In short, I'm going around in circles... if some kind soul could help me understand what's going on? Thanks a lot 😉
- My version of PHP : PHP 8.1
- Site : http://technifree.fr/forum/
**** En Français ****
Je ne comprends pas ce qu'il se passe : j'arrive à installer Flatboard simplement, mais impossible d'aller plus loin après l'installation. J'arrive à me connecter à l'interface d'administration, modifier un ou deux trucs mais je n'ai pas la possibilité d'aller plus loin que la configuration de base. L'enregistrement des modifications à l'air de fonctionner mais je n'ai pas la possibilité de naviguer dans le menu de gauche (Plugins, mots clés, tableau de bord, etc.). Je n'ai pas non plus la possibilité d'ajouter un forum (en cliquant sur le "+"). Bref, je tourne en rond... si une âme charitable pouvait m'aider à comprendre ce qu'il se passe ? Merci 😉
Last modified by vince@2f8ed28a on Monday 20th March 2023, 09:47:00
Replies 3

I don't know why, but you have to logout, then log back in again, because the SESSION ends once you install, but somehow says your still enabled. I downloaded the software to figure out why, but there was and "Constant" error, because you're not in and even if your in.
Error when you create a topic:
Error when you create a topic:
Deprecated: Constant FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING is deprecated flatboard/lib/Parser.lib.php on line 315
Last modified by Gavin on Monday 20th March 2023, 21:42:00
A Web developer and web security programmer

I have updated parser.lib.php.
FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING is deprecated on PHP 8.1.
@vince, send me your log file please at stradfred[at]gmail[dot]com.
FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING is deprecated on PHP 8.1.
@vince, send me your log file please at stradfred[at]gmail[dot]com.
Last modified by Gavin on Thursday 23rd March 2023, 21:30:00
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