Birthday Notification

Birthday Notification
Gavin Friday 24th March 2023, 19:35:48


Birthday notification, requested by Tillreetree@fc7e1f5a

Add your birthday on the tab and submit you can change/edit your birthday if mistakes do occur!!!

v1.0.1 - released
v1.0.2 - Removes banner when no birthdays exist, also displays age as well.

Download here

Last modified by Gavin on Saturday 25th March 2023, 11:49:00
A Web developer and web security programmer

Replies 2
Tillreetree@fc7e1f5a  Monday 27th March 2023, 01:04:19

many thanks!image

Gavin  Monday 27th March 2023, 01:25:55

No problem, I know it was a late make of the plugin, but if you got more ideas feel free to send it over to the "Request plugin" topic.

SurveyBuilder-Admin(Flatboard Moderator)
A Web developer and web security programmer

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