Favorite Post Plugin

Favorite Post Plugin
SurveyBuilder-Admin Sunday 4th June 2023, 13:33:01

Favorite Post

A 1/5 of the request from @Drisspy@7aaba692 - this plugin will display a star to the most popular post, based on views.

* 1.0.0 - Released
* 1.0.1 - Fixed bugs, Users can have multiple favorites and no longer messes with the bootstrap scripts. Now has a UI to add/remove topics
Download here

Last modified by SurveyBuilder-Admin on Monday 5th June 2023, 16:50:00
Software engineer, creates plugins for Flatboard, checks source codes, and answers any software errors questions and contributes on the GitHub page as well

Replies 10
Fred  Sunday 4th June 2023, 16:41:13

Thank you SurveyBuilder-Admin, I installed the plugin here but I don't understand how to add topics...
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SurveyBuilder-Admin  Sunday 4th June 2023, 19:16:02

It automatically adds the topics.
Software engineer, creates plugins for Flatboard, checks source codes, and answers any software errors questions and contributes on the GitHub page as well

Tillreetree@fc7e1f5a  Monday 5th June 2023, 07:00:54

Bug: In favposts.plg.php, on line 69, in "data-original-title=Edit", "Edit" needs to be replaced with $lang['edit'] in order to be used in other otherwise it can only work if it is in English.

Also, it may be necessary to add "document.querySelectorAll("[title=$lang['edit']") to ensure usability (due to an as-yet-unidentified bug on my end that causes bootstrap not to handle tooltip so there are no elements with the "data-original-title" attribute, only elements with the "title" attribute)

Last modified by Tillreetree@fc7e1f5a on Monday 5th June 2023, 07:03:00

SurveyBuilder-Admin  Monday 5th June 2023, 13:38:43

I notice that, I am going to fix that.
Software engineer, creates plugins for Flatboard, checks source codes, and answers any software errors questions and contributes on the GitHub page as well

SurveyBuilder-Admin  Monday 5th June 2023, 16:47:41

v1.0.1 is now a bug fix, please update the plugin before things go bad.
Software engineer, creates plugins for Flatboard, checks source codes, and answers any software errors questions and contributes on the GitHub page as well

Tillreetree@fc7e1f5a  Wednesday 7th June 2023, 03:22:33

Suggestion: use the favposts_manageTopic() function to add "favorite" button to the topic page (list and detail) (use the different colour of the button to distinguish whether the post has been favorited or not, instead of inserting a badge directly into the post title (you can see the corresponding html when you edit the topic); at the same time;also the "favorite" page can be used as a place for users to browse (and remove) their favorite topics ( displayed as list), instead of having a confusing interface with some drop-down boxes, textboxes and buttons.

Tillreetree@fc7e1f5a  Wednesday 7th June 2023, 03:26:35

In addition, the 1.0.0 version of the “Favorite Post Plugin” can be repackaged as a "hot topic" plugin, replacing the “star” icon with a “flame” icon to let people know that the topic is currently hot!

SurveyBuilder-Admin  Wednesday 7th June 2023, 16:13:22

I think were thinking of something different. The idea of this, is supposed to have a personal favorite of topics, that is why the "favorite topics" is ment to be your favorite, I guess I can set that idea "hot topics" plugin on the next project I can.

Last modified by SurveyBuilder-Admin on Wednesday 7th June 2023, 16:21:00
Software engineer, creates plugins for Flatboard, checks source codes, and answers any software errors questions and contributes on the GitHub page as well

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