Does this needs attention? Or is it normal?
Does this needs attention? Or is it normal?
shoaiyb@b4cd1e7b Sunday 11th June 2023, 02:25:56Hey guys, it's me again.
I've seen a discussion about PHP8 support:
But still when I installed it on my site I got the following warnings:
Is it from my side? How do I fix it?
Also, I've seen some discussions about language translations. How do I contribute and translate Flatboard into my own native language?
I've also seen a notice is triggered every time a new discussion is created, even on this website.
And, the BBCode "img" tag converts every occurrence of "o /" (without space between them) into "👋" emoji. Is that normal?
I've seen a discussion about PHP8 support:
But still when I installed it on my site I got the following warnings:
<br /><b>Warning</b>: include_once(/home/shoaiyb/www/flatboard/plugin/FlatBBeditor/editor/markdown-.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <b>/home/shoaiyb/www/flatboard/plugin/FlatBBeditor/FlatBBeditor.plg.php</b> on line <b>101</b><br />
<br /><b>Warning</b>: include_once(): Failed opening '/home/shoaiyb/www/flatboard/plugin/FlatBBeditor/editor/markdown-.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:') in <b>/home/shoaiyb/www/flatboard/plugin/FlatBBeditor/FlatBBeditor.plg.php</b> on line <b>101</b><br />
Is it from my side? How do I fix it?
Also, I've seen some discussions about language translations. How do I contribute and translate Flatboard into my own native language?
I've also seen a notice is triggered every time a new discussion is created, even on this website.
And, the BBCode "img" tag converts every occurrence of "o /" (without space between them) into "👋" emoji. Is that normal?
Last modified by shoaiyb@b4cd1e7b on Sunday 11th June 2023, 02:42:00
Replies 10
I feel bad about elders that have to deal with modern generation, since people in the tech industry use AI to copy someone's that they know voice, and take money from them.
Software engineer, creates plugins for Flatboard, checks source codes, and answers any software errors questions and contributes on the GitHub page as well
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