Random Code(Color Hex Generator)

Random Code(Color Hex Generator)
Gavin Wednesday 21st June 2023, 17:58:14I don't know why I am doing this, but I have made a custom HEX color generator
//$loop is how many generated hex code you would want to have.
function genHex(int $loop):array {
$hex = array();
$list = '0123456789abcdef';
$rand = rand(0,strlen($list)-1);
$l = str_split($list);
$hex[$h] = $h;
return $hex;
Last modified by Gavin on Thursday 22nd June 2023, 11:50:00
A Web developer and web security programmer
Replies 3

That's great, but you can do it more simply like this ๐ :
function genHex(int $loop): array {
$hexArray = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $loop; $i++) {
$hexArray[] = sprintf('#%06X', mt_rand(0, 0xFFFFFF));
return $hexArray;
Last modified by Simon on Sunday 25th June 2023, 17:28:00

I was always told that simple is lazy work. ๐
I don't know why, I take the longest and more complex why, then I should have attended,
Thanks for the "shorted version" of it.
I don't know why, I take the longest and more complex why, then I should have attended,
"if it works, then it's fine"
Thanks for the "shorted version" of it.
Last modified by Gavin on Sunday 25th June 2023, 18:49:00
A Web developer and web security programmer
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