Embedded YouTube videos not resizing to fit window

Embedded YouTube videos not resizing to fit window
ben@d7ab5755 Monday 17th July 2023, 00:38:18I was happy to see that embedding YouTube videos work great by using the following tags in a forum post
Minus the *
But on my forum and on this forum also, the video overflows the page and won't resize properly when viewing the post both on the blog or from a forum post when viewing it from a mobile device. It looks fine from a desktop PC though.
Not sure where to look to fix this, is the file that controls this part of the bootstrap template CSS or a PHP file?
Here's an example:
Minus the *
But on my forum and on this forum also, the video overflows the page and won't resize properly when viewing the post both on the blog or from a forum post when viewing it from a mobile device. It looks fine from a desktop PC though.
Not sure where to look to fix this, is the file that controls this part of the bootstrap template CSS or a PHP file?
Here's an example:
Last modified by ben@d7ab5755 on Monday 17th July 2023, 00:41:00
Replies 3

file location:
replace with:
iframe width="560" height="315"
replace with:
iframe style="width: 100%;height: 500px;"
<iframe style="width: 100%;height: 500px;" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/' .$match[1]. '" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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