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Sorry for any delays!
SurveyBuilder-Admin Monday 21st August 2023, 03:25:25

Hay Flatboard Community, I just want to apologize onbehalf of speaking for the flatboard admin(@Fred) and myself, we have been very busy lightly and are not able to fix every problem and resolve things due to things been going on nor be able to reply to the problems that have been occuring. Just to let everyone know feature requestion might/maybe a while to look and fix. I hope that everyone can understand the situtation thats going on and we are not trying to ignore anyone.

Best regaurds,
SurveyBuilder-Admin(Flatboard Moderator)

Last modified by Fred on Monday 20th May 2024, 14:49:00
Software engineer, creates plugins for Flatboard, checks source codes, and answers any software errors questions and contributes on the GitHub page as well

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