Footer Issues

Footer Issues
tngweb@a94425f3 Tuesday 2nd January 2024, 21:28:55I'm having an issue with a fresh install of Flatboard Pro. Whenever I reload my site I get a mess of Font Awesome icons in my footer. See the screenshot. Any help or advice would be appreciated.
GOOGLE TRANSLATED: J'ai un problème avec une nouvelle installation de Flatboard Pro. Chaque fois que je recharge mon site, je reçois un désordre d'icônes Font Awesome dans mon pied de page. Voir la capture d'écran. Toute aide ou conseil serait apprécié.

GOOGLE TRANSLATED: J'ai un problème avec une nouvelle installation de Flatboard Pro. Chaque fois que je recharge mon site, je reçois un désordre d'icônes Font Awesome dans mon pied de page. Voir la capture d'écran. Toute aide ou conseil serait apprécié.

Last modified by tngweb@a94425f3 on Wednesday 3rd January 2024, 04:09:00
Replies 4

Quick Note: Those Font Awesome icons are from the Forum Creation system. It seems that they're only visible by the Admin.
GOOGLE TRANSLATED: Remarque rapide : ces icônes Font Awesome proviennent du système Forum Creation. Il semble qu'ils ne soient visibles que par l'administrateur.
GOOGLE TRANSLATED: Remarque rapide : ces icônes Font Awesome proviennent du système Forum Creation. Il semble qu'ils ne soient visibles que par l'administrateur.
Last modified by tngweb@a94425f3 on Wednesday 3rd January 2024, 04:10:00

My guess would probably be a unicode format issue, which can be fixed in the <head> tag with this code:
I'll check it out, but I am currently working on a whole new project and I have no open room for it, but I can see what the problem is.
<meta charset="UTF-8">
I'll check it out, but I am currently working on a whole new project and I have no open room for it, but I can see what the problem is.
A Web developer and web security programmer

I checked all of the pages I could think of, but couldn't find anything. If you can point me in the direction of the page that would require this edit, please let me know. Thanks for your reply and your attention.
NOTE: using my browser's view source, I can verify that
NOTE: using my browser's view source, I can verify that
<meta charset="UTF-8">
is present in the pages.
Last modified by tngweb@a94425f3 on Sunday 7th January 2024, 05:41:00

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