What are the pro plugins and which premium plugins can be purchased?

What are the pro plugins and which premium plugins can be purchased?
asda@2b7beda4 Friday 1st March 2024, 13:58:19

What are the pro plugins and which premium plugins can be purchased?

Which add-ons do we get with 30 euro payment and how? 30 euros is very expensive in my country, can you tell me?

Anyway, paypal is not used in my country, I cannot donate. Does anyone want to send the attachments? 😉)))

Reply 1
Fred  Sunday 3rd March 2024, 11:35:03

Hi asda,
You have all informations on donwload page.
Please note that in the payment, Paypal recovers a part.
Then it allows you to pay for hosting and Flatboard development.
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