Flatboard 3.2 "Shiba"

Flatboard 3.2 "Shiba"
Fred Monday 20th May 2024, 15:30:15

=== 3.2 - Release date: 2024-05-21 ===
After a long time, Flatboard updated and fully worked on PHP 8.2 (Tested on PHP 8.3.7)
🐛[Fix] PHP 8.2: French date
🐛[Fix] PHP 8.1 PHP Deprecated: strftime — Format a local time/date according to locale settings
[Clean] Cleaning up unnecessary code @Simon 😉
🐛 Some bugs fix!

Thanks to all the people who support Flatboard! (Language pack, plugins, feedbacks...)

Last modified by Fred on Monday 20th May 2024, 15:30:00
Fred stickied the discussion.
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Reply 1
SurveyBuilder-Admin  Monday 10th June 2024, 03:32:06

Nice update, man I am getting too old to keep up with this 🤣. Maybe work and life is a trap.
Software engineer, creates plugins for Flatboard, checks source codes, and answers any software errors questions and contributes on the GitHub page as well

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