External Auth

External Auth
morgan@7004e38d Monday 13th January 2025, 23:01:10

I am trying to integrate a forum alongside a preexisting site, Flatboard seems like a pretty good candidate because the main difficulty is syncing auth stuff --

Just a general question though, does it seem feasible to short-circuit the pseudo parts and just use the preexisting auth I have (UserSpice). I am relatively adept at PHP and the goal would be skipping captcha and pseudo inputs and use the other system for it, which is easy to insert.

General thoughts welcome, don't want to waste your time you have about a billion projects going 😊

Replies 6
morgan@2f574612  Thursday 16th January 2025, 09:49:21

Definitely interested in the answer, also maybe a method to have the form automatically open so you don't have to click on 'join the conversation' all the time.


Gavin  Saturday 18th January 2025, 12:52:32

I might consider making a plugin for that. What do you specifically want with it I'll look at it.
A Web developer and web security programmer

morgan@7004e38d  Saturday 18th January 2025, 22:51:25

Well thank you for the response! I think the three things I'd want, and I'm not an expert on Flatboard but:
1. Hide the captchas
2. Use the username from Userspice
3. Redirect to Userspice login when need to log in

The captchas part was easy to short-circuit obviously, and maybe login is as well, just haven't had time yet. But this is the most promising forum I've come across for being able to integrate into a different auth system

Gavin  Sunday 19th January 2025, 21:20:20

  I'll take a look at it.
A Web developer and web security programmer

morgan@7004e38d  Wednesday 22nd January 2025, 00:20:48

I really appreciate it, even if you only have time to just point where I might attack it. Any which way, thank you!

Gavin  Wednesday 22nd January 2025, 13:53:14

  No problem.
A Web developer and web security programmer

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