Some new strings for better translation

Some new strings for better translation
RED-LINE@42796168 Sunday 24th March 2019, 20:09:46

OK, this is the list of reasones why current array of strings is not good enough:
Title for forum, new post or theme start NOT THE SAME Title for my site
Description for forum NOT THE SAME Description for my site
Update NOT THE SAME Updated NOT THE SAME Last update
Settings (button in right corner if u are admin) NOT THE SAME Settings (tab in admin toolbar)

List will be updated soon...

R-E-D LINE, from Russia, with ♥

Reply 1
RED-LINE@42796168  Sunday 24th March 2019, 20:16:17

Reply (from feed.php/reply) NOT THE SAME Reply (create new post)
Add + Moderator NOT THE SAME Add Moderator (on adding page)
On Plugins page u just add 's' letter to 'Plugin' string, but should create extra string in lang files
Note area and default message in admin toolbar HAVEN'T any strings in lang files

List will be updated soon...

R-E-D LINE, from Russia, with ♥

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