Flatboard 2.2 BAKOU Released!
Flatboard 2.2 BAKOU Released!
Fred Saturday 6th April 2019, 19:02:57We are pleased to announce the release of Flatboard 2.2 .
Thanks to all the people who support Flatboard!
Changelog v2.2 - Release date: 2019-04-06
* 💢 Break long word text in lastpost, topics and replies.
* 💢 Blog URL parameter in blog.php.
* 💢 Create safe string with transliterate between cyrillic and latin. (Impact forum URL and Page URL plugin for Flatboard PRO)
* [+] Add more language string for better translation.
* 💢 Captcha position text.
* [+] All templates finished for best custom themes (blog, viewForum, viewSuggestedTopic, viewTopic ...).
* 💢 Minor others bugs fix.
Suggested Topics
started Large Flatboard forums?
Open Bar
Alexander Liebrecht
started solved Increase the number of topic characters
General Questions
started Is the Image Upload button working?
General Questions
started solved Manually Add Adsense Code and Google GA4 Tag