Flatboard 2.2 BAKOU Released!

Flatboard 2.2 BAKOU Released!
Fred Saturday 6th April 2019, 19:02:57

We are pleased to announce the release of Flatboard 2.2 .
Thanks to all the people who support Flatboard!

Changelog v2.2 - Release date: 2019-04-06
* 💢 Break long word text in lastpost, topics and replies.
* 💢 Blog URL parameter in blog.php.
* 💢 Create safe string with transliterate between cyrillic and latin. (Impact forum URL and Page URL plugin for Flatboard PRO)
* [+] Add more language string for better translation.
* 💢 Captcha position text.
* [+] All templates finished for best custom themes (blog, viewForum, viewSuggestedTopic, viewTopic ...).
* 💢 Minor others bugs fix.