
mk@b8500609 Wednesday 22nd April 2020, 16:26:35


Sorry for my english.

What I need to change in code to stay logged in for 24 hours and more, without entering pseudo and captcha?
Maybe with cookies, automaticaly enter my pseudo when sending next m. And turn off captcha if there is already user with same pseudo.

2. Where can I write my own question in captcha and answer? I need name of the file and what code to write.

3. Near title of topic in list I need to show 100 symbols of first post in topic. Where and what I have to change in code?

I need ready code, because Im not php programmer.


Last modified by Fred on Friday 12th June 2020, 09:13:00
Fred locked the discussion.

Replies 18
Fred  Thursday 23rd April 2020, 09:25:23

Hi Mk,
1°) Flatboard does not manage any members area, thus it must be secured with a minimum of at least a captcha...
If you published a message and you leave your browser open, you will offer your nickname for the next message.

2°) No, the current captcha does not allow you to add questions/answers.
By cons there is a configuration option to replace it by a mathematical formula.

3°) I do not understand your question, but if you want to add tags listed on the title of the subject, it is happening in the admin panel (config.php/tags) => Tags

Best regards.
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mk@b8500609  Thursday 23rd April 2020, 12:50:06

Thank you
1. After I send m. the pseudo field is empty when sending again and not close browser. In Opera VPN or in mobile Puffin.
I need autofill it until brouser is open. But pseudo field is always empty.

2. In what file mathematical captcha is processed? I need to write in code only my numbers as true answer. Like 12345. And turn off loading picture of captcha. I always enter same numbers 12345.

3. We have list of topics after we enter forums, so near each title of names of topics I need to publish first 100 symbols from first message of this topic. Like blog.

Fred  Thursday 23rd April 2020, 22:19:31

  1. I tryed on firefox, chrome and safari and work for me just click input field:
2. Open
line 147 to 167 and change the variable $ _SESSION ['captcha'] for the desired answer.
3. On your theme, search this string:


Parser::summary(Parser::content($content), $config['post_summary'], '&hellip;')

- The variable $content is $topicEntry['content'] or $replyEntry['content'] depending on the template.
- $config['post_summary'] is the number of words truncate, you can change directly by numeric value (200).
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mk@b8500609  Friday 24th April 2020, 00:03:01

Thank you very very much 👏

I will try.

1. I saw it before. How to autofill it when pressing reply or new topic?
In same time, how to do checkbox near Pseudo field, "Save to buffer and autofill it next time from buffer", then when pressing Reply we take it from buffer and autofill if there is symbol '@' inside string (not before or after) and string no longer that 40 digits?

1.1. In both cases we should hide Pseudo field (filled), and in additional field near Information icon, show only nik@ in big font.
But you can do it later. First of all autofill 1.

Fred  Friday 24th April 2020, 13:57:14

 OK you can now try this feature here 😉
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mk@b8500609  Friday 24th April 2020, 18:56:15


I did 2., it is ok.

About 3. text near topic name. I dont find file where is your code Parser.
One more example
In MySite.ru/forum/forumName
There is list of topics
Code from the page
<div class="media-body ml-3 pb-3 mb-0 small lh-125 border-bottom border-gray">

<div class="d-flex w-100">

&nbsp;<a href="search.php?topic="></a><a href="view.php/topic/2020-04-240....">Name of topic</a>

<div class="float-right">

<br />
45&nbsp;<i class="fa fa-eye" title="Просмотр"></i><br />
1&nbsp;<i class="fa fa-comment-o" title="Ответить"></i>

<div class="d-block">
<span class="user admin">m...@....</span>
<i class="fa fa-bolt"></i> создал 14 час тому назад



I need to do like this, not exactly

<div class="media-body ml-3 pb-3 mb-0 small lh-125 border-bottom border-gray">

<div class="d-flex w-100">
<div class="topic-text">
50 first words from first post of this topic. 50 first words from first post of this topic. 50 first words from first post of this topic. 50 first words from first post of this topic. 50 first words from first post of this topic. ....

&nbsp;<a href="search.php?topic="></a><a href="view.php/topic/2020-04-240....">Name of topic</a>

<div class="float-right">

<br />
45&nbsp;<i class="fa fa-eye" title="Просмотр"></i><br />
1&nbsp;<i class="fa fa-comment-o" title="Ответить"></i>

<div class="d-block">
<span class="user admin">m...@....</span>
<i class="fa fa-bolt"></i> создал 14 час тому назад



So I dont find where is code I have to change that you mentioned above.
Can you tell me exactly name of file and line?
But if in first 50 words of post there is youtube video or picture .... what can we do to show only text ? Or show only words instead of links. Or block all text.

About my class for text above topic name
<div class="topic-text"

Where are all classes saved? Where I need to add this class?

Thank you

mk@b8500609  Friday 24th April 2020, 19:03:54

It is working

One more thing. I need to autofill captcha field in same symbols that I entered first.
We did it in 2. like you remember. But it is only for my forum. Can you e😜lain me code for it?

So I dont understand what I need to change to work this autofill Pseudo and captcha. Please help. 😊

Last modified by mk@b8500609 on Friday 24th April 2020, 19:17:00

Fred  Friday 24th April 2020, 19:32:15

Flatboard is quite simple to modify, sorry but I can't help you any more.
I have given you the items to research and modify.
To avoid crashing your forum, I recommend that you duplicate the theme and make your changes.

Regarding the modifications made to the pseudo and mail storage, this will be integrated in the next version of Flatboard.
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