Flatboard 3.5: Akita

Dont forget to backup first and update!

=== 3.5 - Release date: 2025-02-13 ===
🐛 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) - implementing a Content Security Policy to add an additional layer of security against XSS attacks. (Thank Gavin)
🐛 Ensure CHARSET is defined in HTMLForm Class.
🐛 Revised the Trip function by adding additional security checks in HTMLForm Class.…

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Please do not spam topics!

Hello, Flatboard community.

Recently I have been seeing spam on Android topics. If you are doing this please stop it's getting annoying to have repeated topics on the forum. This goes for anyone please check if a certain question you have been asked before you ask to prevent spamming.

Have a great rest of your day!

Flatboard Moderator:…

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A new cms: Fast⚡︎CMS

Hello all,
After a few months of sick leave, I started coding again and have just created a new CMS: Fast⚡︎CMS!
Just like Flatboard, Fast⚡︎CMS is in PHP and the storage is in JSON format which makes it "transportable".
Fast⚡︎CMS is a simple and fast flat-file CMS.

With Fast⚡︎CMS you can:

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tips Global blog functioning

As you've noticed, Flatboard (since version 1.0.1) now integrates a blog.
To activate it, nothing more simple. You need to go into configuration once logged in as an administrator.

You will find there simply 2 options. One allows you to select the forum you would like to see as articles and this will automatically activate the blog,…

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tips Some rules against identity theft

1°) I repeat, but use a username with a password this way: Username@Password.
2°) Add a custom image in .png format to the ./uploads/avatars
folder, taking care to rename it if there is a space in the user name and replacing the @ with a _.
Example My pseudo@a52d7Z97
Become Mypseudo_a52d7Z97
3°) For administrator…

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todolist Next major release: Flatboard 5

A complete refactoring of the code and a set of new features, starting with a new logo:
Member registration, profile editing and profile photo uploading.
The improved category manager with a wide range of customizable icons.

Includes by default a light theme and a dark theme that the user can choose directly from…

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Flatboard 3.2.2 'Shiba'

=== 3.2.2 - Release date: 2024-12-11 ===

- Require PHP 8.0 in installation file.
🐛 Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) - Thank to INCIBE (Spanish National Cybersecurity Institute)
🐛 FlatBBeditor v.3.2.2
=== 3.2.1 - Release date: 2024-11-30 ===
+ Bootstrap theme version update
🐛 Plugins darkmod and premium bootstrap theme switcher update.
🐛 Some bugs fix!
=== 3.2 - Release date:…

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Sorry for any delays!

Hay Flatboard Community, I just want to apologize onbehalf of speaking for the flatboard admin(@Fred) and myself, we have been very busy lightly and are not able to fix every problem and resolve things due to things been going on nor be able to reply to the problems that have been occuring. Just to let…

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